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CALL US: (626) 657-8718

General Policies and Fees


1. A one-time enrollment fee of $45 is required prior to starting lessons at Pasadena Piano Academy.

2. In order to complete registration, students and/or parents must sign the Lesson Policies Agreement, Student Information Form, and the Student Photo/Video Release form.

3. Tuition and payments MUST be submitted at the time upon which they are due. A 5% late fee will be added, charged, and enforced on all late payments.

4. Acceptable forms of payment include cash, card, and check. All checks should be made payable to "Pasadena Piano Academy." A $25.00 charge will be issued for all returned checks.


5. All card purchases will incur a 5% Bank Processing Fee.


1. Signing up for a Group Class online does not guarantee you a spot in the class. A deposit of $45 is required to reserve your place. You can also reserve a spot by paying tuition in full ahead of time for said Group Class.


2. Your first class may be treated as free trial lesson. However, if the student wishes to continue after the first class, full tuition will be due and must be paid prior to their next class.


3. There are no makeups or refunds for missed classes within a Group Class session.


1. Media, in the form of photography and video, may be used in PPA publications and press material. See Student Photo/Video Release Form for more information.

2. Students are expected to arrive on time for all lessons and classes. In deference to subsequent students, lessons will end at the tardy student's scheduled time. Teachers are not obligated to wait longer than 15 minutes for late students. After 15 minutes, the lesson is subject to forfeit. 

3. Students must notify Pasadena Piano Academy of absence at least 24 hours before their scheduled Private Lesson time. Lessons cancelled for any reason within 24 hours of scheduled lesson will not exempt the student from payment as contracted.


4. Students are allowed 3 excused absences per semester (3 months.) Further absences will result in a forfeited lesson.


5. A 12-lesson package must be completed within 5 months, a 24-lesson package within 8 months, and a 48-lesson package within 14 months.


6. If a student is absent for at least three consecutive weeks, we cannot guarantee their time slot will still be available upon return.

*Please note, we do not give make-up lessons for same day cancellations. All cancellations or make-up lessons require at least 24 hours' notice.

*Please see Group Lessons, Private Lessons, and Student Recital for additional policies and regulations pertaining to each category.


All class tuition and fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. No exceptions will be made.


1. Children under 7 years old not receiving instruction must remain under the supervision of their caregiver at all times while on the premises of Pasadena Piano Academy. Under no circumstances will the studio or waiting area be used as playrooms for unattended children. 

2. Pasadena Piano Academy cannot provide supervision for children left alone before or after lessons. Students must be picked up promptly after their scheduled lesson. 

3. If a student must wait for a ride home from a lesson, they are required to wait inside the building until their caregiver arrives. 

4. Caregivers of children 4 years old and under are required to stay in class with their children.


1. There are designated areas in which to wait. Caregivers are required to supervise their children at all times in these areas.

2. Do not interrupt faculty while a lesson is in session. If a door is closed, knock prior to entering.

3. Food and drink besides water are NOT allowed in the studios. Please enjoy beverages and snacks in the waiting area.

4. No cell phone or electronic device use is allowed during lessons. 

5. Pets are not allowed on campus.


Monday - Thursday 3:00pm - 7:00pm

Saturday 8:30am - 1:00pm


556 S. Fair Oaks Ave, Ste. 101 No. 526

Pasadena, CA 91105

(626) 657-8718


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